Update on sick baby…

He’s doing MUCH better everyone. I really really hope the worst is behind us. Now, he just has a junky cough– he hasn’t gagged/thrown up since that morning in Albertsons. Hooray!

On the down side, I’m pretty sure my milk supply is suffering as a result of his not-as-frequent nursing. Even though he’s a little more than 4 months, I definitely want to keep him 100% breastfed until at least 6 months. I drank 2 cups of Mother’s Milk tea, along with a beer tonight. Hopefully this will get things into gear.

On the plus side, G and I have been having the most wonderful mornings together. Our Baby Papasan Chair has been a lifesaver these past few days– he sleeps so well in it, even with all the junk in his head. The angle and dish-shape are perfect. As a result he’s been sleeping 6-7 hours during the night, waking once at around 5am to nurse, and then waking up for good at around 8am, happy and ready to play! Usually, I change his diaper, nurse him, and then move the Papasan Chair onto the bed next to me, where I drink my coffee and eat a bowl of cereal while he plays with toys. I then play about 1/2 hr. of games with him, and he’s ready for his morning nap! Like clockwork! When I nap alongside him, he sleeps around 2 hours. I think it’s because if he stirs, he just looks down from his chair/throne and can see me, asleep next to him. When I do chores, he only lasts about an hour, probably because he hears the noise and wants to be part of the action.

We have had rough evenings, usually between 5-7pm. I think this is because he’s super tired, but very jazzed up from the day. Getting him to take an evening nap is an hour long endeavor, and he usually won’t even stay asleep for longer than 30 min. Sometimes, I wonder what the point is!

But then Daddy comes home and rescues mommy, right when she thinks she can’t take a minute more of Cranky Babyland.

Please pray that his cough continues to get better! I really don’t want it to turn into Pneumonia!

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